Regulation MAR: information liabilities of public companies

Gdańsk, 28 March 2017

As a part of practise in the field of capital market, regulatory consultancy as well as an ongoing service of stock companies, their stockholders and members of bodies we provide i.e. services related to the information liabilities of public companies.

In particular we consult in creating and implementing the solutions adjusting internal regulations and practice of the companies to the changes in legal conditions resulting from the Regulation of European Parliament and Council concerning the usage of confidential information and manipulation on market – the so-called Regulation MAR, as well as the directive concerning harmonization of the requirements regarding transparency of the information of the issuers, directive Transparency II and the other acts regulating the information liabilities of the companies listed on regulated market, their stockholders and the members of the bodies.


The transformation of a company into a partnership and tax on civil law transactions

Gdańsk, 9 August 2013

Optimisation of taxation of income earned by individuals from involvement in a company is increasingly pushing company partners to transform their company into a limited partnership or limited joint-stock company.


Tax alerts from Krzyżagórska Łoboda & Partnerzy

Gdańsk, 9 August 2013

Soon we will publish tax alerts prepared by the Lawyers Office Krzyżagórska Łoboda i Partnerzy.
